Category: Writing

  • Starting A New Chapter: Life Updates and Writing Updates

    Starting A New Chapter: Life Updates and Writing Updates

    Lately there has been so much happening, I’ve barely felt like I’ve had time to stop and think, let alone update my blog. On top of that, we had a sudden emergency with my laptop and it needed to be repaired, so I haven’t had it for a few days. But now people are wondering…

  • The Wild Saga Continues: How to Skip Page Numbers in Word Documents

    The Wild Saga Continues: How to Skip Page Numbers in Word Documents

    In the process of deciding which content to include on this new site, I discovered my old blog post about page numbers! I definitely wanted that in my new blog, since it was the first post I ever made on my old site – at which point it seemed appropriate to also post a followup…

  • My Blog is Back!!

    My Blog is Back!!

    My blog has been empty for the past few years. I know not a lot of people have noticed that, since not many people knew about my website before I dropped off the face of the planet. But I know the people in my life have been wondering where I’ve disappeared to, and I think…

  • Introducing: The Witches of the Cormorant

    Introducing: The Witches of the Cormorant

    This post is about something that has been a very wild ride for me, but one worth hanging onto. And I think this is only the first of many posts about it… but I wrote another book! I’m SO excited to announce my first full-length novel, The Witches of the Cormorant!!! Reconciling with Fantasy The…

  • Little Boats: Why Writing A Book of Short Stories Made Me A Better Writer

    Little Boats: Why Writing A Book of Short Stories Made Me A Better Writer

    This post is about inspiration, momentum, and motivation – and a little bit about process! It seems like a good topic for an early blog entry. So far this website has been about showing who I am, alongside what I do, and I think this gives me a good opportunity to do both. False Starts…

  • The Wild Story of How I Put Page Numbers into My Word Document

    The Wild Story of How I Put Page Numbers into My Word Document

    My first book, Little Boats, has been up for sale as an ebook from the day it was completed. It was a pretty long and complicated road just to get that far – which is another story for another day – but I was ready to dive in again when I read that KDP is…