The Wild Saga Continues: How to Skip Page Numbers in Word Documents
In the process of deciding which content to include on this new site, I discovered my old blog post about page numbers! I definitely wanted that in my new blog, since it was the first post I ever made on my old site – at which point it seemed appropriate to also post a followup…
My Blog is Back!!
My blog has been empty for the past few years. I know not a lot of people have noticed that, since not many people knew about my website before I dropped off the face of the planet. But I know the people in my life have been wondering where I’ve disappeared to, and I think…
Introducing: The Witches of the Cormorant
This post is about something that has been a very wild ride for me, but one worth hanging onto. And I think this is only the first of many posts about it… but I wrote another book! I’m SO excited to announce my first full-length novel, The Witches of the Cormorant!!! Reconciling with Fantasy The…
Little Boats: Why Writing A Book of Short Stories Made Me A Better Writer
This post is about inspiration, momentum, and motivation – and a little bit about process! It seems like a good topic for an early blog entry. So far this website has been about showing who I am, alongside what I do, and I think this gives me a good opportunity to do both. False Starts…
The Wild Story of How I Put Page Numbers into My Word Document
My first book, Little Boats, has been up for sale as an ebook from the day it was completed. It was a pretty long and complicated road just to get that far – which is another story for another day – but I was ready to dive in again when I read that KDP is…